Best trout of the season

Here is a lovely fish taken by Wayne Richards (from Wales) mid season, one of 8 to the net. Is it the best picture of a river Avon fish from…

Our captain Bill Salmond showing how its done

Bills fine Rainbow taken from Millhall at the open day!

2022 First fish….and its a tourist!

Well done to Dave Nisbet for hooking this beauty, on a teal black and silver at Burgh Mills on Friday 18th March. It’s difficult to say if it’s a sea…

Craigs First Scottish Salmon

This picture, taken in August 2021, just after the heavy rains, shows Craig Blacks fine grilse taken on an olive from lower beat 4. It measured 55cms or 22.6 inches.…

Alan Crawfords grand day out

Please find attached the outcome of Alan Crawfords day out on beat 4 in early August. Alan is establishing himself as the go to expert these days fishing mainly weighted…

Loch Rusky outing

A grand day for fishing, a little on the cool side with an ENE wind but plenty of sport. Four rods had approx twenty fish for the day. Here is…