Anniversary Outing – Places available

We are holding a 50th Anniversary celebratory event on the 11th May, a fishing outing on Linlithgow loch. This appears on the outings callender and is a free event offering…

Kick Sampling – Inscect count

This event had to be postponed due to the height of the river. I will be doing a kick sample to have a look at the inscect life on/in the…

Catch and Release -Best practices

With our competition rules changing to offer more opportunity for our increasing numbers of anglers who use catch and release methods we have put together a simple advisory for catch…

Barbless flies

This service has been brought to our attention by one of our members and given we are trying to be more inclusive towards C&R fishing this might be of interest:…

Best trout of the season

Here is a lovely fish taken by Wayne Richards (from Wales) mid season, one of 8 to the net. Is it the best picture of a river Avon fish from…

Catch returns now due

A friendly reminder that catch returns are due back by the 20th November. If you bought your permit via Fishing around the Forth, you can submit a catch return by…

Club Open Day

The club open day was held on 9th September at Milhall in glorious conditions, perhaps not for fishing, it being bright and warm. Never the less 4 Anglers returned four…

Loch Frandy Outing

This years outing was a good, if not hard, days fishing. Top rod was Ian McDonald with three rainbows and a brownie returned. The weather was mostly ok but with…

River Pollution – what to do?

Last Saturday evening I popped down to the Quarry Bridge pool at around 20.30 with the thought to fish a Connemara black along the bedrock ledges in the hope of…

Trout Alert

I walked part of lower beat 4 with out lead river manager today and I can report that: – the insects are hatching The swallows are swallowing, actually we saw…