Welcome to season 2025: – The season started with a beautiful day down by the River Avon where we toasted for a good season and tight lines. We also cleared…
River Avon Update
George T and I took a walk down the River, from the quarry bridge down to the tail of the long pool on lower beat 4.I showed him the hole…
2025 Outings – places still available!
This years outings grid and rules/booking instructions have been published. A summary has been updated on our outings page here on the web site.
2025 Annual Dinner – Stop Press – seats still available.
The hottest dining ticket in town….Friday 14th March, Linlithgow Golf Club 19.00 hours – The Linlithgow Angling Club Annual Dinner. Start the fishing season with a “sair heid” by having…
AGM and Prizegiving
Thursday 21st November saw our annual AGM in the Willow tree in Linlithgow. We also had our prizegiving, the results of which are : – Season Heaviest Fish (5lb 3ozs)…
Black Bitch Article
Attached is the excellent article penned by our secretary Dave manion and published in this months edition of the Black Bitch Magazine. Its is worth a read!
Linlithgow Angling Club AGM Calling Notice
To be held in the ‘Willow Tree’ (formerly Black Bitch) public house (upstairs room) Thursday 21st November 7.00pm for 7.30 start. The Club awards are presented at the AGM. Recipients…
Beat 5 Top Gun
As the season reaches its end I have some pictures from beat 5 courtesy of Stephen Liddle who has had a superb season. As they say a picture, or six,…
LAC Open Day @ Millhall
14th September saw the LAC open day at Millwall. Here are the happy competitors at the end of a day where the water was fishing well and where everyone caught…
Harrys 9lb brownie
Yesterday’s club outing to Bowden Springs was pretty successful. Of the 9 members who attended, seven had fish. Top catch of the day was our VP, Harry Millar whose magnificent…